Introductory Post

Personal image, Carlie and me
Personal image, Yat Fan and me
       Hello! My name is Bridget Clayton and I am a French major and Music minor at the University of Oklahoma. I am currently taking my last semester completely online, as I have already finished my French courses and gone through Capstone. I’m just finishing up some upper-division credits.
       I was originally a Music major because I love playing clarinet. Throughout high school, clarinet was the most important part of my life. However, I went through a lot of personal and familial issues during my first two years at OU, and I was struggling in some key music courses, like music theory. French had been my minor, but I realized that I was doing exceptionally well in my language classes, and as I did not want to teach music, I switched my major and minor. My last semester was a big success. I was taking four French courses, including Capstone, and was in one of the bands at OU, and I got my first 4.0. I also won the Ivar Ivask language scholarship and had it presented to me by my favorite professor who also nominated me to apply for a Fulbright grant. I am often sad that I am not getting a degree in music because I missed out on a lot of playing opportunities. However, I know that it was the right decision.
       I am still not 100% sure of what I would like to do in the future, but I definitely have options. I would like to get a Master’s not long after graduation. First, though, I am most likely going to do some sort of English teaching opportunity in France or Belgium next year. If I win the Fulbright, I will get to teach in a Belgian university for a year, free of charge. I don’t see myself actually winning it, but I can try now and again in the future. I’m also applying for TAPIF, where I would teach in a French school beginning next fall. If neither of those things work out, I will do a program called Interexchange where I would live with a French family as an au pair. It is important to me that I get experience using my French degree to put the language to use before I begin a Master’s program. I am considering teaching English as a foreign language, but want to explore my options. I have already purchased some GRE materials so I can begin studying for the test now.
       Reading is one of my favorite activities. Where I’m living now, I don’t have easy access to Barnes and Noble anymore, but I used to go there all the time! It’s nice for me to be alone often so I can think for myself without the influence of my friends, even if I love them. Haruki Murakami is one of my favorite authors, and I recommend his works if you like bizarre, dreamlike worlds. This summer I have read The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell, How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff, and The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. That’s not a lot for an entire summer, but I have been working a lot and just moved! I need to get to it. (I also just got a Netflix, sooo…I watched Riverdale season one in two sittings, lol). I also enjoy music by the Beatles, Coldplay, The Killers, Mumford and Sons, Arctic Monkeys, and Lorde, etc.
       I also love things that make me feel cozy, like socks, books, clouds, chocolate, and coffee. I worked at Starbucks at OU with some amazing people for two years, and that was easily the best job I’ve had. After moving, I now work at a regular Starbucks and it’s loads less fun. :( I’m now living with my boyfriend, Yat Fan. He graduated from OU this past semester with a Bachelor’s in Petroleum Engineering and a Master’s in Business. He’s pretty smart, lol. :D Also, I love hanging out with my best friend, just like any person does. We’ve been friends for ten years. Her name is Kaitlin and she’s an English major obsessed with the Beatles. Her bedroom walls are completely covered in Beatles posters, and her record collection is huge. She’s amazing at memorizing song lyrics without hearing them many times. She’s about to teach me how to cook since I was never taught and up until now haven’t had a great space to do it. So, that’s a goal for the coming months. If you want to check out her Instagram dedicated to the Beatles, it’s @ihavejusteenaface. :’-D
                                                                     Personal image, Kaitlin and me six years ago
       I guess that’s about all. Looking forward to getting to know some of you through the class!


  1. Hi Bridget!
    I also played clarinet in high school! I actually played for six years total, but I decided not to pursue it in college, but I miss it a lot. I think it is so great that you want to teach English abroad! I wish I could get a good grip on languages like that but I’ve never been that good at them lol. I look forward to reading more of your posts throughout the semester!

  2. Hello Bridget!!
    I was once a clarinet as well! I had a lot of natural talent so I was one of those kids that was really good in elementary and middle school but, because I didn't practice, I gave it up in high school. Marching band's atmosphere was the only reason I stuck around that long. I couldn't stand concert band so I quit after sophomore year and never looked back. I still personally identify with other clarinets though and will always scoff at a brass (especially a trumpet).
    I think it's super cool that you want to teach in France or Belgium! My mom is a third grade teacher and she got to teach in London for a semester when she was in college. She still talks about the experience to this day!
    I totally feel your pain about not being close to Barnes and Noble anymore! I would die without my books and coffee!
    I think it's so cool that you and your best friend have been friends for 10 years! I have a friend group like that and I don't know what I'd do without them!

    I really enjoyed "meeting" you and I hope you have a great semester!

  3. Hi Bridget,
    Congratulations on graduating soon and for getting the Ivar Ivask language scholarship! That would be so cool to teach in French or Belgium, that sounds a the dream. I like that you have a plan for everything and a back up plan just in case. Wow, we have very similar taste in music. Those are my go to bands!

  4. Hi Bridget,
    It is so cool that you are a French major! Knowing more than one language is a huge ordeal and has a lot of great benefits, especially when looking for jobs. Being able to speak French opens many doors for you and not knowing exactly what you want to do is perfectly fine. Going to another country to teach would be really cool, that is actually what my g-big is doing now. After graduating, she joined the Peace Corps and is now in Indonesia teaching english for the next two year, so that is always an option if your interested. Good luck with your remaining courses!

  5. Hey Bridget,
    Your last semester sounds really cool! I am not as used to the online format of classes, so the idea of taking all online classes is a bit foreign to me. I have always wanted to speak multiple languages, and I am a bit envious that you have the opportunity to live and teach in another country. Congratulations on all of your hard work so far! You sound very passionate about your studies and your work. I respect that. I also love to read. I wish there was a Barnes and Noble in Norman. That is definitely my favorite store to visit. Good luck with your future endeavors! I am sure everything will work out great.

  6. Hi Bridget!
    That's really cool how you're taking a whole semester online! I wish I was able to do that, but unfortunately I'm a science major which means no science courses online. It makes me happy that you were able to find your true passion in the wake of an unpleasant time. It's always good to make a risky decision than to look back and wonder "what if?". It also amazes me at the any opportunities you have at your table. From one teaching opportunity to the next. Don't get your hopes up on the Fullbright grant because from what I've read, you deserve every bit of it!

  7. Hi Bridget! it must be a lot of work to do a whole semester online. What is it like having a language as your major? I've met people who have majored in a foreign language and I just don't know how people can do it, I barely do well in just the foreign language classes I have to take as a requirement of school. What is your favorite genre of music? Who would you say is your favorite classical composer? I wish you the best of luck on your journey after college.

  8. Hi Bridget! I am very impressed that you have been able to do a whole semester online. I don't think that I could do it. I am very bad about keeping up with deadlines in a virtual class setting. I also needs classmates to help me get through difficult courses without losing my mind. Congrats on all that you have accomplished so far! I am very impressed, looking forward to reading some of your stories! Best of luck to you!

  9. Hey Bridget! That’s awesome that you’re almost done, you’re on the homeward stretch! You can do it! (I don’t know if you can tell but I am a little jealous lol). I am really sorry that you were not able to follow continue solely with music, but it sounds to me that you are on a great path and it’s going to workout for you in the end. I am also jealous of your job at Starbucks, I am a HUGE coffee fan and probable enjoy it a little too much. You also sound like you know how to spend a rainy day in style, and that’s definitely something I can get behind. Good luck on all your future endeavors and never let anything stand in your way.

  10. Hi Bridget! I think it's really cool that you are majoring in French! I went to Paris my freshman year of high school for Christmas with my family and it was so beautiful! I love the feel and the art museums were incredible! I wish you the best of luck with teaching over there, that sounds like a lot of fun! I also love your taste in music! I had a big Artic Monkeys phase and Mumford and Sons is amazing too!! No one is as good as the beatles of course though! Good luck on your last semester :)

  11. Hey Bridget,

    Great introduction! I think it is really cool that you are a French major. I have always considered majoring in a foreign language, but I feel that I am fulfilling that by doing a Math minor which can be a totally foreign language! Based off your favorite bands, I can see that you have a really great taste in music. It is always nice to listen to songs that aren't butchered on the radio due to being overplayed.

    I look forward to reading your writings!

  12. Hey Bridget! French major? Wow, that is awesome! I honestly wish I could take my semester all online. I love not having to get ready to go to class every day and doing things on my own time. I played the flute in high school for a while until I switched to sports. It seems like you are doing very well in life and have goals for the future. I wish you luck getting the Fulbright!

  13. Hi Bridget! I think that is so cool that you love music so much, and especially the clarinet. I played the clarinet from 6th grade on through high school and I really enjoyed it. Also, I love what you want to do with your French major. All of those options that you are considering sound so cool and fulfilling. I hope for the best with your Fulbright! I also love all things warm and cozy like the section that you ended your post with. I hope you are having a great semester thus far!

  14. Hi Bridget!
    How awesome that you are so close to the finish line!!! Is it hard doing your last semester completely online? I don't have the option myself, but I know that I already have senioritis and am not sure I could trust myself to get everything done. Props to you! Also, good for you of realizing where your strengths are in the classroom. Sometimes, that's the hardest part about switching majors. Just know that you can do anything with your degree, so don't be too sad about the switch! It's amazing that you were able to transition so smoothly and get a scholarship! Congrats!
    I look forward to reading your story!

  15. Hi Bridget!
    I really like the design and layout of your blog. I think it’s so cool that you are minoring in music that sounds like such a fun. Also, congrats on winning the Ivar Ivask language scholarship! I like how you incorporated some personal photos into your introduction I thought it was a great touch. I hope your semester is going good so far and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog.

  16. Hi Bridget! Wow, I am so jealous that you are taking your last semester completely online. I only have 9 hours left and I still have to take 12 to keep my scholarship. I love that you played the clarinet. I started playing the clarinet in 6th grade and became pretty good at it, but I did not like having to fill out my practice log so I quiet and switched to choir. I am not really a good singer, but I enjoyed doing it because I was with my friends. Even though you are not sure what you want to do yet it sounds like you have a pretty good plan. Good luck!

  17. Hey Bridget,
    Congrats on this being you last semester at OU. I am jealous with how good you are in foreign language. I have been putting off taking my last Spanish course for my degree because learning foreign languages intimates me so much! I hope you are able to get the Fulbright so that you can go on to teach in Belgium, that seems like an amazing opportunity. If not it seems like you have a number of options and plans to pick from. Good luck getting into graduate school!

  18. Hi Bridget!
    Wow, congratulations on being in your last semester. You only have about 5 weeks left! How crazy is that? You mentioned studying for the GRE, and I wanted to wish you the best of luck! Studying for post-graduate tests can be one of the most stressful things, but just know your hard work will pay off, and to always take time for yourself. While you might not know what you're going to do yet, I think it's great that you're taking steps to help you decide. Well, good luck with rest of the semester. And I hope everything goes well for you! Nice to meet you!

  19. Hi Bridget!

    Nice to meet you. It sounds like you have a plan to me! I too am trying to figure out what I want to do when I get out of college. It sounds like you have a lot of options, which is all you can really be guaranteed at this point. Good luck. I hope you enjoy your last semester in college and find a path that works for you.

  20. Hey Bridget!

    I bet it must feel good for this to be your last semester of college! I can't imagine the feeling of taking your last final and moving on in your life. I also think it is cool that you were able to find what you wanted to do and switch your major and minor. I think studying languages is pretty cool even though the only one I have ever done is Latin. I wish you the best and I'm sure you will finish strong!

  21. Hi Bridget! First, I wish you the best of luck with the Fulbright grant. I think going to France or Belgium to teach English would be an awesome experience so I wish you the best of luck with that as well. Also, I understand the struggle of Netflix taking away time from other activities since I just recently watched the second season of Stranger Things in two sittings.

  22. Hi there Bridget!
    First off, your images that you used for this post are so cute! Thank you for including them! Your major and minor are so interesting... I mean that really something else to have a talent for other languages AND music! What I wouldn't give to have some musical talent. Congratulations on making it to your final semester, I am sure you are so excited!

  23. Hello Bridget, congratulations on almost graduating! I have one more left and then I’ll be done. I used to play trumpet in high school so I think it’s cool that you’re pursuing something to do with music. I’ve never been to France but it is a place I’d like to visit so that’s awesome that you want to teach over there. Hope your last semester is great!

  24. Hi Bridget! It was lovely to get a little glimpse into your life and goals in this post. I'm sorry your musical major didn't work out, but it sounds like you're doing great with your French major and have some amazing opportunities in front of you. Also, so sweet that you included your best friend here — I mention mine in my intro post and thought I was the only one. So good to have an old friend so near. Good luck on this last semester and on all your ambitions moving forward!

  25. Hi Bridget! Congratulations on winning the scholarship, that's amazing! and best of luck with the Fulbright Scholarship, too. I'm sure getting a chance to teach in Belgium would be a dream come true! I'm very impressed that you are majoring in a foreign language, I can only imagine the discipline learning a new language takes. I have struggled through my Spanish classes lol. Best of luck with your future endeavors, I'm sure you will do great wherever you end up!

  26. Hi Bridget!
    I was also a clarinet player once upon a time but I didn't have your dedication and I hated practicing so... Here we are. I'm so glad you realized your passion for French when you did! It sounds like that was a really trying time so it's great that you figured out some major life choices.
    I also love to read all the time and Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places to hang out!! It also makes my heart happy that you have a best friend of 10 years! That's so wonderful to see!
    It was so nice meeting you!

  27. Hi Bridget! I loved your introduction! I feel like I really know you after reading it. It's so nice that you were able to switch your major and minor to make a better combination and really help you succeed. It sounds like you are exploring all your avenues! Teaching in a foreign country is great and I actually considered doing that for a while since I went to an international school for from Pre-K 3 to 3rd grade. It was such a unique experience and I'm so glad I got to have it. Being an au pair would be super cool too! Of course, most of what I know about them is based on books but some of my friends have done it and they had a lot of fun. I'm glad I got to meet you before the end of the semester and good luck with finals!


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