Assignment Impressions

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Image source: Pxhere
  Mythology and Folklore and Epics of India are two courses unlike any that I have taken before. I have never run a blog and had never even read any blogs before this past week. Online classes can be a bit overwhelming for me simply because it takes me forever to find things. I definitely prefer having notebooks and textbooks, and I usually stay away from technology when I can. By the end of these two classes, I expect to feel a lot more comfortable using computers for coursework. I can tell Ms. Gibbs has put a lot of time and effort into these two classes and is a very interactive professor. I usually have professors who delay putting grades in online and give very minimal feedback. This is another big change for me.
While looking at the extra credit opportunities, I was surprised to find that there are so many. This reminds me of my favorite professor, Dr. Logan Whalen. I had him for four classes at OU, and he is always looking out for his students. He clearly wants everyone to learn and do their best, and is also a very understanding and relatable person. For specific extra credit assignments, I was drawn to Famous Last Words and Back-up and Review. These two seem to be great opportunities for reflection, which is a vital part of learning and growing. I have a number of pen pals who I write to regularly, and spending time to review what’s been going on in my life is always relaxing and helps to clear my mind. I think that these particular extra credit assignments would have the same effect on me.
As for the core course assignments, there are similarities and differences with some of my past classes. Two similarities are that I have always had to write a lot for my courses, as my major is French. I have also had a few online classes where we would give other students feedback weekly. A key difference in these courses is that I have never had to write my own stories. I have only ever written essays or analyses on poems, short stories, and novels. Sometimes I have ideas that I think would turn into interesting stories, but I think I wouldn’t know how to get them out without sounding cheesy. Even reading what I’ve written in my journal can make me cringe sometimes. :’-D We’ll see how it goes.


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